Wednesday, January 4


Dear You, 
I bet you're doing fine. To be honest, im doing fine too. Oh yeah, I found this one great guy by the way. He's wonderful. An all rounder to be exact. He can make me laugh whenever I'm sad, just like how you always did but even better. Every time I went out with him, I feel like the happiest girl in the world just like how I felt when I was with you. But he's different you know. He's not embarrassed to introduce me to his friends. He's not shy to do crazy stuff with me. But yeah, in a way, after all this months, I still miss you. Not miss you as in 'us' being together but I miss the way how we used to tell each other everything, how we thought that we're going to get married in the end and how I used to be your everything and your only weakness was me. I miss the old you. You've changed through out the year. What sucks the most is that you broke all your silly promises and you dont even remember me anymore. I hope you will regret it one day and changes to be a better person.