Friday, October 7

Penat day -.-"

Morning rushing buat IC baru since my IC punya gambar sangat yucks, then aku patahkan ia buat kali kedua after PMR last year sekali. So, akan dapat 10days after. Then bank-in duit. Haisyooo, penat k. Tu je nak cakap. Oh maybe tak dapat nak updates blog. Cause I will be soooooo busy. Hehehe. Takecare readers. Kbye
Oh yah before that. I would like to post this matter. It supposedly yesterday but daa semalam birthday batch kot takkan nak cakap  pasal this thing kan, teehee :3 so cekidaut.

Steve Jobs 1955-2011
After a long battle with pancreatic cancer, Apple co-founder Steve Jobs has passed away. As is tradition on my blog, he has been immortalized as a Jedi spirit. 
To many, Steve Jobs was a hard man to like. His arrogance and poor tact often gave a cold impression to those who interacted with him. But I think his saving grace was that he made no apologies and used these traits to the benefit of his company and to innovate products that were often unsurpassed.
He took a fledgling computer company and turned it into one of the most powerful brands in the world. He was an intellectual giant that accepted nothing less than perfection. He raised the bar for the technology industry time and time again.
Whether you use Apple products or not, his influence has made your life easier and more productive. It’s astounding to think of all he had a hand in creating. He changed the way we listen to music, create music, watch movies, create movies. They way we communicate, socialize, get information, get from place to place. The way we shop, the way we kill time in spartan waiting rooms. Mobile phones are now nearly as powerful and functional as their PC counterparts. Technology is no longer is an eyesore. He proved to the world that our gadgets could be works of art.
Yes, he was a hard man to like, but I am grateful for all that he created.
One more thing…
Rest in peace, Mr. Jobs.
Yah, eventho me not really like that Iphone but I'm still using that Apple lappy. So you're still part of my life. Goodluck with your new life there. Enough said. Bye<3