Wednesday, October 5

I need a warm hug, now. :'(

Papa, I may not like you all the time but I love you ALWAYS!

Horrible day for me after last 27th September. I'm seriously don't know what to say here. My feeling, like shit! Can't describe it into words. I'm not gonna story to you guys in details about this stupid matter cause it make you guys will start yawning.Basically it's about my dad. Yeah, everyone have their own father pun kan, as Yuya too. But he's different from others' father in this world. People, I love him k. But he never love himself. What to do? Wrong! I felt really slow. My cortex process information slower than Christina Perry singing Jar of Heart in the chorus. Oh hell yeah, that song is very slow gila . And I'm in that tone pun now ni. Everything is slow-mo nak mati. Why all this happen to me? Who do you think you are?  When all the bullshit will stop from haunting me? Feels like wanna jump into perigi and run away from people. Avoiding myself from facing any obstacles in future or else I'm gonna killing myself-slow slow slow. I'm dying inside weh. Nobody know. Fuck fuck fuck fuck! I want that wrisky, I want that high! Make me so lifeless. I need my dad! I want him back! people, please? Can anybody help me? Can you? heyy! Please, stop reading do any action! Seriously now imagined  how am I dekat  tasik in KLCC tu. Jump into it and swimming like nobody see me and care about me at all. Then, suddenly one guy in white uniform yelling2 at me and pull me off to the ground. Maki maki me, "hey budak! kau ingat ni kolam renang ke?" And I will reply him with my annoyed smile same like an annoying Mr. Joker acting in Batman movie. Cool right! Then give a wonderful my middle finger to him :DD HAHAHAHA, haih kalaulah aku heartless, takpayah nak jaga hati orang and nangis2 macam pondan kan. Kalaulah aku orang yang berpengaruh habis semua aku saman sumbatkan dalam jail. kalaulah aku ada magic boleh aku pergi sini sana mana2 aku nak pergi tanpa menggunakan sebarang fulus. kalaulah aku boleh terbang, boleh aku terbang2 en?en? #sigh semua KAlAU KALAU KALAU. Fucking lah, Hate this feeling. Okay, I think I'm already out of topic. Gonna stop or not I will be soooo merepek. Btw thank you to all my sentimental songs in my phone, it cures my heart. Especially that one by alahai forgot his name. Ah-ha, Maher Zain by InsyaAllah song. You remind me to Allah lah. inspired me alot. For now jela. Hmm, kbye

I'm so hurt till I'm bleeding. Thank you pa. Adik hope papa ok je. Takecare there. Loveyou.