Saturday, October 22

You can call me baby, just don’t treat me like one

The me that you know is the nice me, always smiling, cheerful, etc. But the real me isn't as wonderful as you think. I get irritated, frustrated, angry and upset easily. I guess the only people who's really seen that are those from my secondary school-Eddy, Lynn and Sarr, not you. I don't want you to like the nice me, because in the end you're gonna regret it when you find out I'm not as nice as you think I am. It's definitely better to regret now, than regret it later.

to mom : Mom, I love you. I’m trying to be the daughter you want me to be.
to dad : Dad, I love you. I hope you’re not disappointed in me.
to the rest of my family, and friends .. : Thank you for being there. Not that you guys are always there, but for the times that you ARE there. Much appreciated, I love you guys :) <3