Monday, October 3

Goodluck for your Peperiksaan Menengah Rendah yaww!

Hii pmr. Aida here. I just want you to know that im not ready to meet you. Im not prepared k. I cant believe that you're coming this Tuesday. So, please please please be nice. Im begging you. Cause in a way, this is killing me slowly. And honestly, i cant wait for you to end. Kbye :)
 · Dislike ·  · 23 hours ago near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia · 

Why be afraid of what people will say? Those who care about you will say, "Good luck!" and those who care only about themselves will never say anything worth listening to anyway. All the best sis. I know you can do. Like durhh, PMR je pun k. I'm hundred fifty percent sure you can get that straight A's. Trust me lah gedik, HAHA. Oh yah, Sorry I can't make you any banner like our pretty tradition dekat college but don't worry, don't think without banner, you can't do just bare in your mind that I'm always pray for your success. Not only me, ramai je yang mendoakan you (: Like I miss you gedik. Last year, I'm the one yang sangat2 lah busy menjaga you dekat bougain coz you sakit. I'm fucking worry about you. After OB-outing bermalam sure that malam I will got your note said that " Kakak, Aida ada cerita. So pandai2 lah claim *kening,kening* " HAHA. yah, I still remember about that V.I boy :D PUCHAA is it? You're the one my starter yang gila gila gila gila gediks. Seriously! I missed all the memories dear. If I could turn back that time (': really. Like this year, dah PMR dah. Next year dah form4. Woaah :O Time flies. heyy, you!  I will always remember you kyddo. Sentiasa. Always in my mind! So goodluck my baby sister. Aja aja fighting yaww. With love, Kak Affy-Yyaaa (;

Go go go go Aida

Bahasa Melayu- bahasa ibunda. Everyday kot guna pakai (;
Bahasa Inggeris- Alaaa, Aida kan minah salleh. Awek California, Bhahaha 
Matematik-        Ilmu hisab. Takguna calculator still boleh guna jari jemari maa. Tak cukup jari tangan, kakipunboleh :D
Geografi- Alaaaa Mr. Lee sure cakap "ini kacang maa, tengok peta saja"
Sains- Something in future, Aida genius kan?kan?
Sejarah- Something in the past. Alahaiii, Hang Jebat Hang Tuah, Hang boleh buat punyaaa (:
Pend. Agama Islam- Hello adik, Kita Islamkan? Hafazan je macam tough coz malas nak ingat, hihi
Kemahiran Hidup- Adik, setakat ketuk2 takpayah risaulah k.

So tuntasnya, Peperiksaan Menengah Rendah itu sangat2lah senang nak mampus. Haha, just set your mind k. Jangan cueks lah Aida. I believe you can do lah. I have faith in you. Hope your stater2 form5 this year will jaga you like macam mana I jaga Ita and Nurin time diorang PMR. If bolehlahkan, I nak jaga you kot, like nak buat macamana kan. So, takecare. makan ubat and bring them along in case you tetiba sakit. Makesure sister. Please do takecare of yourself coz I really2 do. Love you♥ Kbye.

p/s; btw I tried to cari our old pictures time birthday house last year but I failed )': Sosad. Haiihh